About Covelo
Come closer to Covelo through its parishes and discover everything they have to offer.
Santa Mariña de Covelo    |    Paraños    |    Covelo    |    Casteláns    |    Maceira    |    Prado    |    A Lamosa
Barcia de Mera    |    Campo    |    Prado de Canda    |    Piñeiro    |    Godóns    |    Fofe    |    A Graña

A Graña - See photos

fotografia This is the furthest parish in the municipality at 20 km from the municipal capital. It has been converted into a residential area where people who emigrated and made their fortune in Venezuela have built their houses.

The beautiful, extensive mountain range of which it forms part (a Serra do Suido), is one of the last refuges of the Iberian wolf in the wild. As a point of interest that in the same range there are several groupings of megalithic tumuli, including the "Mámoa de Salcedo", formed by slabs of slate that display ruins of the megalithic chamber.

We can visit the Casa Leonides.

Its towns and places of interest are: A Carreira, O Eido Fernández, O Eido Gonzalo, O Monxidoiro, Os Miiños, A Porteliña do Campo, Rebordechán, Salcedo, Seiscedóns, Vista Alegre. 1. A Graña and the Grañudos 2. Linguistic variations in A Graña: Barallete

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