Aids for programs of integral valuation and promotion of multifuncionalidade del mounts
- 05/09/2008 -
Order del 12 of August of 2008 by that if they establish the regulating bases of the aids for programs of integral valuation and promotion of multifuncionalidade del it mounts and if they summon for year 2008. The promotion of programs that lead to the integral valuation of the Galician mount and to the diversification of products and resources constitutes its purpose that it provides. Chapter II: Improvement and rationalization of the advantage of the forest resources through the increase of the knowledge and awareness of the proprietors and managers. Improvement of the knowledge of all the agents within the framework to allow to an integral advantage of the different forest resources of a sustainable forest management and a preventive forest fire policy and other environmental risks. The aids including in this chapter will be able to consist of: 1.1. Competent hiring of technical personnel for the technical attendance of the proprietors or managers of mounts in the matter of sustainable forest management, diversification of the forest production and multifunctional advantage. The subvention will be of 80% of the cost of the contract in the first year and 40% the second annuity of hiring. 1.2. Projects of formation and professional information in the scope of the Galician forest sector. These projects will obligatorily include the description in detail and the duration of the performances that if they will develop, that could be, individual or jointly: 1.2.1. Tests, projects pilot or of demonstration and other technical support.... The aid will be of 80% of the costs of implantation and pursuit without surpassing the maximum of 60.000? by project. 1.2.2. Actions of formation, spreading and awareness in the matter of new technologies, multifuncionalidade, sustentabilidad and diversification of forest products, oriented to the Galician forest sector. The aid will be of the 100% of the cost without surpassing the maximum of 30.000? by action and 60.000? by beneficiary. Chapter III: Actions of increase of the economic value of the forests and promotion of the diversification of the productions. Objective: the arrangement of the forest surfaces and the lumber advantages and noncarpenters, as well as the forest investments directed to the beginning and compatibilización of complementary productive activities of the wood such as the cattle ranch and its base forraxeira, the fruits of the forest, the mushrooms, the residual biosphere, the aromatic and medicinal plants, etc. Subvencionables activities: 3.1. Writing of arrangement projects and technical plans of management or revision justified of these by conclusion of the special plan, drastic in the forest cover or objective changes or manifest impossibility to carry out the actions gathered in him. 3.1.1 Projects of arborizados mount arrangement. 60% of the amount of investment in zones worked against or including in the Network Natura 2000 and 50% in the rest of the zones will be subsidized. In the revisions of arrangement projects 50% of the investment amount will be subsidized at the most. 3.1.2. Technical arborizados mount plans. 60% of the amount of investment in zones worked against or including in the Network Natura 2000 and 50% in the rest of the zones will be subsidized. In the revisions of technical arborizados mount plans 50% of the investment amount will be subsidized at the most. 3.1.3. - Specific instruments of forest management (Ixfe) of the units of forest management (Uxfor). The level of incentive and the maximum amount of the investment will be such that for the technical plans of management. 3.2. Studies for agreement or agreement of you are contiguous total between CMVMC. These studies will be subsidized until 60% of their cost in worked against zones or including in the Network Natura 2000, and until 50% in the rest of the zones... 3.3. Studies of integral valuation of the forest resources. The maximum amount of the subventionable cost of the writing of these projects will be of 6.000? that if they will justify in the technical memory. 3.4. Initiatives of integral valuation of the mount. In this point the aids will be of 60% in worked against zones or including in the Network Natura 2000 and of 50% in the rest of the zones, without surpassing the maximum amount of 120.000? by project 3.4.1. Projects silvopastorais. 3.4.2. Other projects of complementary advantages: fruits of the forest (brown, nut, small fruits...), forest simiente, medicinal mushrooms, plants, honey, etc. 3.4.3. Collective programs of arrangement of forest resources. I capitulate IV: Actions of putting in value of the uses public of the forest spaces. Object: to stimulate nonproductive investments that promote the value of public recreation of the forest areas and that allow the development of multifuncionalidade of the mount like protective element. The granted aids to take care of the requests presented/displayed in relation to this chapter IV will be of 80% of the investments. The subventionable maximum cost by project will be of 60,000. The subvencionables actions that conform the program could be: a) Creation and restoration of forest scopes of high landscaping value and conservation of the biodiversity, through the implantation and improvement of of fundamentally native leafy forest masses... b) Creation and improvement of small facilities for the promotion of the social and divulging use of the mount and the improvement of the awareness and understanding of the importance of the environmental values of the forest spaces: - Centers of divulging use and forest interpretation. - Itinerary homing guidances, routes. - Spaces of sociorrecreativo use. - Other actions of putting in value of the social and tourist aspects of the forest masses. The term of presentation of requests will be of a month to count as of the following day to the one of the publication of this order in the Official Newspaper of Galicia.

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