Regime of aids and subventions to the qualified companies like local initiatives of use (ILES) and del program of the enterprising initiatives and of use (I+E+E)
- 16/07/2008 -
Order del 19 of June of 2008 by that the regulating bases settle down del regime of aids and subventions to the qualified companies like local initiatives of use (ILES) and del program of the enterprising initiatives and of use (I+E+E), cofinanced by the European Social Bottom, and is come to its call for year 2008. - Program of support to the local initiatives of use (ILE) (annexed). Object: to foment and to promote the creation of innovating, economic and financially viable companies, that generate stable use in the local scope and rural means, by means of the partial financing of the necessary costs for the beginning of those previously qualified enterprise projects like local initiatives of use (ILE) The constituted private companies could be beneficiaries of the aids anticipated in this order and that had initiated their activity, nobody that is the legal form that they adopt, including autónomos/as and the civil societies and the communities of goods, although they lack legal personality, which they had obtained the qualification like use initiative, the rural premises or, and not to pass itself more of a year from the notification of the resolution of qualification, or being the case, in the term that if it establishes in the resolution of qualification, whenever they fulfill the conditions and the requirements established in this order for each type of aid. Types of aids: a) Subvention to the direct creation of stable use. b) Subvention for the hiring of technical experts of high qualification. c) Support to the xerencial function. d) financial Subvention. y) Aid for the beginning and start up of the activity. The term of presentation of requests of subvention to the creation of stable use and for the hiring of experts or experts técnicos/as of high qualification will be of two months from the date of the discharge in the corresponding regime of the Social Security. The request of the financial subvention will have to appear in the three following months at the beginning of the activity. The qualified companies as use initiatives have right to an increase of the 10 percent of the quantity of the subventions regulated in this order, when its main productive activity if it registers within the scopes of the new breeding grounds of use that the continuation if they relate: a) Services of the daily life. b) Services of improvement of the life frame. c) cultural Services and of leisure. d) Services of medio.ambiente. - Program of promotion of the enterprising initiatives and use (I+E+E) (annexed B). Purpose: to generate stable use, mainly of young people and women, supporting and dinamizando the development of new enterprise initiatives promoted by unemployed people with special attention to the municipalities of the field Galician, establishing like preferred those promoted and/or that generates use for plaintiffs coming from the sectors of the construction, real estate and compatible. The deprived companies, nobody could be beneficiaries of the aids anticipated in this program that is the legal form that they adopt, except for the physical people, civil communities of goods, societies, cooperative societies and labor societies, whenever they fulfill the conditions and the requirements established in this annex for each type of aid and in which concur, in the date of their beginning of activity, the following circumstances: a) That they are companies of new creation b) That are viable technique, economically and financially. c) That generates stable use for unemployed people. d) That has their social address, fiscal and its center of work in a municipality of Galicia. y) That they are promoted, at the most, by five people and who between los/las socios/as promotores/as does not appear any legal person. f) That the company has a maximum share capital of 120,202 euros. g) That most of their share capital (social participation) are of titularidad of the promoters and promoters who are unemployed people who create their own job in the company. Types of aids: a) Subvention to the generation of stable use. b) financial Subvention. c) Subvention for technical attendance. d) Subvention for the beginning of the activity. y) Subvention for the conciliation of the professional and personal life of the promoters. The term of presentation of requests for the Subvention to the generation of stable use will be of two months from the date of the discharge in the corresponding regime of the Social Security. The request of the financial subvention will have to appear in the three following months at the beginning of the activity. The maximum quantities of the aids of the program regulated in this annex will be increased in a 20 percent, in the cases that the company has its social address and center of work in a rural municipality. The general term for the presentation of requests of the aids of the different programs from this order, will finalize the 15 of September of 2008.

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