The Axencia de Sostibilidade do Concello de Covelo supplies 16 prazas of camping in the Naturaqua Program in the Network of Centers al Free Air in Taboada in Ourense. Four days totally free.
- 27/06/2008 -
The Agency of Sostibilidade del Municipality of Covelo supplies 16 seats of camping in the Naturaqua Program in the Network of Centers the Free Air in Taboada in Ourense. The directed supply Thursdays of ten the fourteen years, is an alternative and playful way to know and to respect the average medio.ambiente, in a zone like A Sacred Ribeira that counts on a landscape, and a natural and patrimonial wealth of exceptional relevance. The stay of four days will take place between days 14 and 17 of July of the 2008. The expenses of transport and stay will be the responsibility of the Consellería de Medio.ambiente and Desenvolvemento Sostible. The days the 3 and 4 of July applicants will confirm the attendance by means of the presentation of an authorization of the padres/tutores that can take shelter in the offices del Municipality of Covelo in schedule from 09:00 to 14:00. In case of not presenting/displaying this authorization the following one of the list will be adjudged to the seat.

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