Aids to organizations without profit spirit, to facilitate its participation in environmental matter
- 26/06/2008 -
Aids to organizations without profit spirit, to facilitate its participation in environmental matter, thus like its call for 2008. Types of aids: a) Expenses of operation of ordinary character in exercise 2008: The expenses of personnel, alugueres, communications, energy, maintenance, repair and others of ordinary character are subvencionables. Limits: a1) Up to 6.000? by each organization. a2) In addition, in the case of the federations, up to 2.500? additional by each organization federated and registered in the Registry of Organizations of Environmental Character created by Decree 226/2007, of the 22 of November, with a maximum limit of 70.000? by federation. b) For the accomplishment of programs of education activities, promotion, diffusion and defense of the environmental values. The investments of immaterial character will be able to be subsidized, such as courses, seminaries, demonstrations, elaboration and edition of studies, information and publications, mothers only the direct costs of the respective programs. Limit: maximum of 10.000? by organization and each one of exercises 2008-2009. c) For investments that the federations of environmental character will make: The expenses derived of the basic infrastructure dowry are subvencionables for the development of a stable activity of the organization, such as the preparation, equipment and furniture of the premises for offices, meetings and activities, computer science means of conveyance, or equipment and systems. Limit: up to 2.500? by each organization adhered to the federation and registered in the Registry of Organizations of Environmental Character created by Decree 226/2007, of the 22 of November, with a limit of 70.000? by federation. These quantities enténdense for each one of exercises 2008 and 2009. To the maximum amounts indicated in the points a1) and b) aplicaráselles a coefficient corrector of 0.8, when the territorial scope of the organization is local and of 0.7, when he is of local scope or policeman. If will be able to reach in the page Web of this council http://medio. The term of presentation of the requests will be of a month, counted from the following day to the one of the publication of this order, independently of the arranged one in the additional disposition fourth.

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