First aid of photography del Nucleus of Sustainability of Covelo
- 21/06/2008 -
The object del contest will be the accomplishment of photographies with contents that illustrate environmental aspects, economic and social that shows to the sustainable development del municipality of Covelo. Those people will be able to participate in this aid all who wish it. The inscription is gratuitous. The photographies will have unpublished and not to be awarded in other aids. They will appear in paper (nonslides). Each photo will have to go mounted on fine cardboard or another rigid support. Technique in black and white or color. The size will be of 20 xs 25 cm. Will be able to appear a maximum of 3 photographies by author, with or without thematic unit. The downtime begins as of the following day to the date of publication of this announcement and will finish the eleven of 2008 July. The following prizes will be granted: - to 1er prize: check gift in valued photographic material in 300? - 2º prize: check gift in valued photographic material in 150? - 3º prize: check gift in valued photographic material in 100? All the participant photographies will be exposed in the week of the 18 of July to the 25 of July day of the failure of the jury.

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