Subventions to associations with destiny al support to the popular celebrations and other events of tourist content
- 09/06/2008 -
Order del 26 of May of 2008 by that if they establish the regulating bases for the concession, in regime of noncompetitive concurrence, subventions to associations with destiny al support to the popular celebrations and other events of tourist content, and if it comes to his call for year 2008. The subventions regulated by these bases intend the support to associations for the accomplishment of investments related to the promotion and diffusion of celebrations, romerías, exhibitions, festivales, certamenes and other events of tourist interest or popular manifestations of similar character that if they celebrate in Galicia in 2008 and that fulfills the following requirements: a) That if it deals with celebrations of events that turn in any case around manifestations of cultural interest, playful, folkloric, artistic, religious, gastronomical, sport or environmental. b) That if it deals with performances that accentuate the valuation of the popular traditions and have a special tourist importance as attractive towards I polish economic of the region. The forms of regulated request of aid in this order will be able to be obtained through the DOG, of the direction of the Internet of the Xunta of Galicia in the point "Aids Consellería de Innovacio'n and Industria" In case of doubt or necessity of more information, they will be able to go to the services of Tourism of the provincial delegation of the Consellería de Innovacio'n and Industria on telephone 986 80 55 73. Page official Web of the council (, in his epígrafe of aids and the virtual office. The electronic direction: The term of presentation of requests will begin the following day to the one of the publication of this order in the Official Newspaper of Galicia and will finish the 30 of October of 2008, both inclusively. The organizations of social initiative without profit spirit could be beneficiaries of the subventions, including the commissions of legally constituted celebrations, of the Independent Community of Galicia that try the celebration of popular celebrations and other events or performances of similar character of tourist interest including in the object of this call that if they celebrate during year 2008, that fulfill the requirements established in these bases and that if they find including in the scope of application of Statutory law 1/2002, of the 22 of March, regulator of the association right.

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