Aids to the restoration of ethnographic and archaeological patrimony
- 24/04/2008 -
They will be able to ask for information in the Agency of Sostibilidade de Covelo or in the offices del Municipality in the relative thing to the following aids published in the DOGA of the Consellería de Cultura and Deporte: Order of the 31 of March of 2008 by that the regulating bases settle down that will govern the aids destined to promotion activities for the conservation and the restoration of goods of the ethnographic patrimony and are summoned for year 2008 (published Wednesday 9 of April of 2008). Amount of the subvention: 60% of the cost of execution of the project. Axuda Maxima: Up to 2.000? for works of conservation and maintenance, and 6.000? for restoration works. Adressees: Proprietors of real estate (hórreos, cruises, muiños, pockets of bores, sources, sheds and similars) of the ethnographic patrimony enrolled in the General Inventory of the Cultural Patrimony of Galicia or in the municipal planning. Term of presentation: Until the 15 of July of 2008, or exhaustion of the budget. Order of the 31 of March of 2008 by that if they establish the regulating bases that will govern the aids destined to the collaboration in the financing of archaeological interventions in historical sets, archaeological zones or catalogued or inventoried xacimientos and its call for year 2008 is come (published Wednesday 9 of April of 2008). Amount of the subvention: 50% of the costs of the execution of the authorized archaeological project by the Main directorate of Cultural Patrimony presenting/displaying the corresponding technical memories (limit 20,000 €/proyecto).Hasta 20 % of the execution costs giving only valorativos information (limit 8,000 €/proyecto). Adressees: Physical companies, people and organizations without profit spirit. Term of presentation: Until the 31 of July of 2008, or esgotamento of the budget.

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