Order del 18 of February of 2008 by that the regulating bases for the concession settle down, in regime of competitive concurrence, subventions for the modernization of commerce located in countryside of the Independent Community of Galicia
- 10/03/2008 -
Order del 18 of February of 2008 by that the regulating bases for the concession settle down, in regime of competitive concurrence, subventions for the modernization of commerce located in countryside of the Independent Community of Galicia in development del Plan of renovation and advance del Galician commerce and if it comes to his call. (In-218La). The term for the presentation of requests will begin the following day to the one of the publication of this order in the Official Newspaper of Galicia and will finish off 31 of March of 2008, both two even. On this administrative procedure, that has the code In-218La, standardized documentation or additional information in the main directorate of commerce will be able to be obtained, through following means: ) the Page official Web of the council (, in its section of "aids" and in the "virtual office". b) telephone 981 54 54 19 of the this main directorate. c) the electronic direction: dxcomercio@xunta.eres. d) Actually. Also, for general questions on this or another procedure, use will be able to become of the telephone of general information of the Council of Innovation and Industry, that is 981 54 43 41. The subvention regulated by these bases intends to promote and to stimulate the modernization and the implantation of commerce located in countryside of Galicia. For the effects of this order rural commerce is considered the located ones in: ) the City councils with inferior population to 10,000 inhabitants.... b) Population centers that the 1,500 inhabitants do not surpass.... Subvencionables performances are considered...: ) the Cost of the reform and/or extension of the commercial premises whenever the 300 the resulting surface does not surpass m2. b) Cost of acquisition of moblaxe, elements of decoration and any other type of commercial equipación. c) Diseño and execution of advertising or promotional campaigns directed to the pick up and fidelización of clients in the territory. d) Acquisition of commercial vehicles of even 3,500 kilograms PMA (authorized maximum weight) of exclusive use for the development of the subsidized economic activity, second the annex I SAW, properly labeled with the name and direction of the commercial establishment. y) Expenses of the notarized deeds that are exixen in the occasion of this order referred to the article 4º k). They are left specifically excluidas/exclusas of the scope of application of this order the following performances: ) the acquisition of the premises and, in general, real estate. b) the works made in warehouses, trastendas, offices and toilets, that do not destine the sale surface, as well as the equipaciones destined for these, such how refrigerator chambers, moblaxe, etc. c) the machinery and equipaciones for the manufacture, product transformation and elaboration of final consumption. d) the bottoms of commerce and rights of crossing. y) The used goods. f) the purchases of merchandise commercialization object. g) the purchases of funxible material and other amortizable elements in a year. h) the bearings and other costs of transports. i) the rates by administrative authorizations, permissions and licenses, tributes, the supported IVA or other recoverable rates pole beneficiary. j) the expenses of operation of the activity. k) the expenses of repair or maintenance. l) the investments made by means of contracts of financial renting or other modalities of financing will not have subventionable character. In order to be able to choose to the aid, a minimum quantity of subventionable investment of 1,500 euros settles down, IVA excluido/excluso. The subventionable Maxima investment will be of 50,000 euros, IVA excluido/excluso. The aids will even consist of a thoroughly lost subvention of 50% of the subventionable investment approved by the Main directorate of Commerce. In the case of the aids to the acquisition of commercial vehicles gathered in the article 1.3º d) of these bases to thoroughly lost subvention it will be of even 20%.

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