Order del 22 of February of 2008 by that the regulating bases for the concession of aids for the prevention and defense against mount fires settle down forest ocal al counted common and is summoned for year 2008.
- 10/03/2008 -
Order del 22 of February of 2008 by that the regulating bases for the concession of aids for the prevention and defense against mount fires settle down forest ocal al counted common and is summoned for year 2008. Lines of aids: ) Line I: subventions for the accomplishment of selective manual grubbings in common ocal mounts al counted will subsidize in this line the works of consisting of preventive forestry the accomplishment of selective manual grubbings for the ocal maintenance of fire-resistant I mount al to us counted common, with the purpose of reducing the present propellant charge in the mount and of creating zones of descontinuidade, thus contributing to diminish the risk of forest fire propagation and to diminish the damages caused by these wrecks, in case of taking place. These works will be always made within the territorial scope of the mount or mounts for which the beneficiary asks for the aid. b) Line II: subventions for the management of the ocal biomass I mount al to us counted common as well as in those of routes and forest roads including in them. Two types of performances: ) the Grubbings mechanized in fire-resistant: performances to reduce to the biomass and inflamabilidade of the natural vegetation in such a way that obtain structures of mass with greater resistance to the propagation of the fire. b) Faixas auxiliary: performances to manage the vegetal biomass in the routes and forest roads, in the arbustivo and subarbustivo layer, both meters from the chine of the route or way, had count the criteria for the management of vegetal biomass established by the Order of the 31 of 2007 July, of the in the middle Rural Council of c) Line III: subventions for the construction of ocal water points I mount al to us counted common. One will subsidize to the construction of water points for the prevention and defense against the forest fires, that will be located in strategic zones for the defense of the population centers and the forest masses, with a suitable orography for the performance of means of the SPDCIF and guaranteeing the fast performance of these. The term of presentation of requests will be of a counted month as of the following day to the one of the publication of this order in the Official Newspaper of Galicia (3 March 2008).

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