Independent ace Pemes and workers have the possibility of introducing us their processes of business technologies gives to information and communication, with the objective to optimize their actions of promotion, communication and commercialization t
- 10/03/2008 -
Interesting line of subvencións originating do Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, framed inside do Plan Advances. To traverse do Proxecto eComercia, independent ace PEMEs and traballadores teñen to posibilidade to introduce us seus business processes tecnoloxías dá information and communication, obxectivo Co to optimize ace súas accións of promotion, communication and commercialization through Internet. This Proxecto subsidizes ou 60% do custe of desenvolvemento of: 1, Servizos complementary of and-marketing research (electronic posicionamento in Google and campaigns of boletíns). 2. Electronic commerce (bandage to individuals (B2C) ou bandage to profesionais (B2B)) 3, Customized corporative Web with deseño and a powerful xestor of contidos. To be interested in adhering to these subvencións, ou queres to receive máis information you prune to chamar or 902 10 83 13, through ou consults

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