Silvícolas aids to the reforestation and works for communities of mounts and particular proprietors
- 19/02/2008 -
Silvícolas aids to the reforestation and works for communities of mounts and particular proprietors They will be able to ask for information in the Agency of Sostibilidade de Covelo or in the offices of the Municipality in relative to the following aids of the Rural Consellería do Average: Order of the 28 of January of 2008 by that the bases settle down and the 2008 aids for the promotion of the first forestación of earth are summoned for the year nonagriculturists (published Thursday 7 of February of 2008).Importe of the subvention: 80 %. maximum Investment: 1.770 ?/Ha coniferous and 2,290 ?/Ha leafy. Adressees: Communities of Ocal Mounts in Mán Común(CMVMC) (with a greater surface of 25 It has, the minimum surface of performance will be of 15 Has) and particular proprietors (minimum surface 3 Has). Term of presentation: A month from the publication in the DOGA. Order of the 31 of January of 2008 by that the bases settle down and the 2008 aids to forestry in forests in rural means are summoned for the year (published Monday 11 of February of 2008). Amount of the subvention: 60 %. maximum Investment: 2.212 ?/Ha leafy. Adressees: CMVMC (with a greater surface of 25 It has, the minimum surface of performance will be of 10 Has) and particular proprietors (minimum surface 1 Has). The communal mounts with greater surfaces of 250 Have must count on a Plan of Arrangement to be able to accede to this line of aids. Term of presentation: A month from the publication in the DOGA. Order of the 30 of January of 2008 by that the bases settle down and the 2008 aids for the leafy promotion of caducifolias are summoned for the year (published Monday 18 of February of 2008). Amount of the subvention: 80 %. maximum Investment: 2.290 ?/Ha. Adressees: CMVMC (minimum surface of performance will be of 1 Has and Maxima of 15 Has) and particular proprietors (minimum surface 0.5 Has and Maxima 3 Has). Term of presentation: A month from the publication in the DOGA.

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