Subventions to the organizations without spirit of profit for diffusion performances and formation in the Society of the Information for the year 2009
- 28/01/2009 -
Subventions to the organizations without spirit of profit for diffusion performances and formation in the Society of the Information for the year 2009 Order del 31 of December of 2008 by which if they establish the regulating bases for the concession, in regime of competitive concurrence, of the subventions destined to organizations of public and deprived right, without spirit of profit, to impel the accomplishment of performances of diffusion and formation specifically related to the development and implantation of the Society of the Information in the Independent Community of Galicia, the frame del Flat Galician Strategist of the Society of the Information and the Plane Advances, and if call comes to his for 2009 (cod. procedure IN52Ç) (DOG nº11, 16-01-2009). - Term of presentation of requests: of the 17 of January until the 20 of February of 2009. For more information:

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