Ocal Participation for the improvement del Inventory of Goods del Ethnographic, Architectonic Patrimony, Arquológico and Natural.
- 05/12/2008 -
From the Municipality of Covelo we considered that the defense and putting in value of our patrimony are a responsibility of todos/as. From the institutions and the individuals, we must contribute to the revaluation of this rich patrimony, reference of a common past and a form of life that if it characterized by the relation with the nature and the necessity to repeat the productive cycles throughout the time like example of sostibles practices. It is already had an Inventory of the Architectonic, Ethnographic and Archaeological Patrimony recently updated, that can be enriched with the incorporation of new elements. With this object we asked for the participation of all los/las vecinos/as of the municipality for identification of the goods that could not be gathered and thus to be able to incorporate them to the existing inventory. In order to be able to participate, two possible channels exist, as much approaching the Agency of situated Sustainability in the Rectoral house of Santa Marina (14 Thursdays from 9 to h. telephone 986650324) where two techniques are working in this project, or by means of its participation in the forum of the Agency, through the direction: Waiting for its collaboration, the personnel of the Agency of Sostibilidade is to disposition of all los/las vecinos/as to solve any doubt or to contribute the information that is necessary to them.

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