Exhibition; Galicia, Conserving the Nature
- 04/12/2008 -
Exhibition; "Galicia, conserving the nature" The Agency of Sustainability of the situated Municipality of Covelo in the Rectoral of Santa Marina, welcomes the titled exhibition "Galicia, conserving the nature". The Consellería de Medio.ambiente and Desenvolvemento Sostible of the Xunta of Galicia, try, with this exhibition, to sensitize to us to todos/as of the importance which they have the natural spaces protected the hour of the conservation of our biodiversity, only and unique a patrimony, that we have the obligation to preserve for the generations furutas. The inhabitants of the protected natural spaces must know the values as much environmental as patrimonial about limes these spaces reached and they became deserving of his protection. This exhibition will be open in the Agency of Sostibilidade de Covelo in the Rectoral of Santa Marina days 10.11 and 12 of December of 2008, in schedule from 10:00 to 14:00 hours in the morning. From the Agency of Sostibilidade of the Municipality of Covelo we animated todos/as to visit this exhibition.

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