Char it; results of environmental voluntary military service in the Tea river
- 04/12/2008 -
Char it: "Results of the camping of environmental voluntary military service in the Tea river", the Rectoral of Santa Marina in Covelo. The Agency of Sostibilidade of the Municipality of Covelo collaborates, along with the Consellería de Medio.ambiente and Desenvolvemento Sostible and the Vice-presidency of the Equality and Well-being of the Xunta of Galicia, in the organization of char the one that will distribute ecological group ADEGA in the Agency of Sostibilidade of the Municipality of Covelo in the rectoral of Santa Marina. This project financed by the Program of Voluntary military service in Rivers of the Ministry of Medio.ambiente Means and Rural and Marine Means tries to show the results of the camping of environmental voluntary military service in the Tea river, made on the part of PROXECTORIOS and ADEGA. During three week ends of the month of October a camping of environmental voluntary military service directed to the elimination of the invading exotic flora of the Tea river was celebrated. For the accomplishment of these works a protocol of performances was elaborated that was applied in three stretches of the Tea river, to facilitate the eradication of diferenentes invading species, to the volunteers if it provided the appropriate material to them (water suits and boots, gloves and glasses of protection, adapted tool, etc) as well as a divulging notebook for the recognition of these species. In addition each participant counted on an insurance of civil responsibility and collective accidents. Los/las is summoned to all interested that the 5 wish to come when char it day 12 of December of the 2008 of afternoon, in the Rectoral of Santa Marina in Covelo.

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