Art and culture. Historical Heritage
Covelo has a historic heritage going from the pre-roman petroglyphs to the cross dedicated to the Holy Christ of the Afflicted, from the later XIX century. Of course, we should not forget the craftsmen and women and the contemporary artist who live and work here today.


Covelo´s historic heritage is very rich and varied. Scattered for the all the town council we can find numerous and interesting monuments, civil and religious buildings, archaeological remains... that show the historic memory and the tradition.

Then, the most important historic-cultural heritage from Covelo is:

Stone cross(consult informative pdf)  , dedicated to the Holy Christ of the Afflicted located in the main town square since 1899 proudly stands one of the most outstanding works of the master José Cerviño, the sculptor of famous stone crosses throughout Galicia. This piece is unique, because it has figures unrelated to the religious theme


In religious architecture, a special mention should be given to the abbey complex of San Martiño de Barciademera. The architectonic group includes the Rectory which has a baroque façade with fantastic gargoyles reminiscent of pre-Colombian art, the baroque church of San Martiño and the chapel of San Xoan do Mosteiro, built by the Spanish Inquisition, on the site of a former Benedictine monastery.

The municipality contains important archaeological remains, several highly interesting medieval bridges, churches of various styles, remains of typical buildings (Os Chozos) , stone crosses, soul saviours…


Other historical and monumental heritage elements:




- Covelo

  • Cross dedicated to the Holy Christ of the Afflicted
  • Archaeological site from Castro con Petroglyph.


- Santa Mariña

  • Baroque Baldaquino  Church Santa Cruz de Baldomar
  • Church and Rectory
  • Cross


- Barciademera

  • Architectural group: Rectory with baroque facade, baroque church San Martiño and the Chapel San Xoan do Mosteiro, rests of ashlar of the old monastery.


- Casteláns

  • Rests of romanic church S. XII
  • Several coats of arms and some of Santo Oficio


- Paraños

  • Church S. XVIII with shield of Ozores and old cemetery
  • Cross Margarida
  • Peto de Ánimas


- Prado

  • Chapel Xestosa with antropomorphic tomb
  • Rests of a prehistoric cemetery


- Piñeiro

  • Chapel de A Guía
  • Archaeological site of Bronze age


- Maceira

  • Church
  • Maceira’s cross
  • Archaeological site of Castro
  • Petroglyph


- Fofe

  • Church
  • Medieval bridge
  • Cobbled way


- A Graña

  • Group of megalithic tumulus




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